1) We believe in Community Driven Inclusive Development where communities are the drivers of development and should benefit from development that benefits them and reflects their vision of their future.
2) We believe that communities can only execute that vision if a Government Is Accountable To Its People, actively protecting community rights and not just being business enablers.

3) We believe that when governments and corporations violate human and environmental rights Accountability Must Accompany Access to Remedy, must have consequences for bad actors, transparency into opaque power structures and justice for people who have been adversely affected.

4) We believe that justice for affected people is more likely when there is transparency and so using Media As A Tool To Promote Transparency & Accountability helps to centering community voices, informed journalism and countering false narratives.

5) We believe that centering the voices of affected communities means Enhancing Legal & Other Technical Capacities including prioritizing and investing in Global-South based experts and knowledge holders.

6) We believe that access to knowledge, information and strategies that have worked across the Global South can help communities to insist on corporate accountability through an ecosystem of human rights advocates. Therefore, we are committed to Building Corporate Accountability Through Information & Tools.

7) We believe that Climate Justice is not just a program area and a through line through our entire portfolio, but a moral imperative. Climate justice is about earth rights, equity and embracing the systemic social justice issues at the root of causes of the climate crisis.