
El 6 de octubre de 2021, la Iniciativa de Costos Verdaderos convocó nuestra inaugural Conferencia de Becarios(as) TCI: Externalidades de la Contaminación & Realidades Comunitarias. Nuestras metas para este evento mundial, eran: i) desarrollar un sentido de comunidad; ii) destacar la incidencia increíble de nuestra clase mundial de Becarios(as) y iii) pasar tiempo los unos(as) con los otros(as) en celebración,…

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On October 6th, 2021, True Costs Initiative virtually convened our inaugural TCI Fellowship Conference: Pollution Externalities & Community Realities. Our goals for this global event were to i) build community; ii) spotlight the incredible advocacy of our global class of Fellows; and iii) spend time with each other in celebration, conversation, music and poetry. The conference consisted of two sessions….

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Over the last several years, we have steadily increased the number and size of our support to ensure our partners and the affected communities they represent have the broad range of expertise necessary to advance human and environmental rights.  We have also deepened our commitment to supporting Indigenous and other traditionally marginalized communities.  In the process, we formed a hypothesis that the…

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